Ibn Sabin

Muslim scholar
Abu Mohammed Abd el-Hakh Ibn Sabin
Born 614-1217 CE in Spain
Died 9 Shawwal H - 1269 in Mecca
Region رقوطة، Murcia
Main interests Sufism and Philosophy
Works Sicilian Questions
Influenced Suhrawardi and Ibn Arabi

Abu Mohammed Abd el-Hakh Ibn Sabin (محمدبن عبدالحق بن سبعين) was a Sufi philosopher, the last philosopher of the Andalous in the west land of Islamic world. He was born in 1217 in Spain and lived in Ceuta. He was known for his replies to questions sent to him by Frederick II, ruler of Sicily. He died in 1269 in Mecca. He was also known for his knowledge of religions (Judaism, Christianity but even Hinduism and Zoroastrism) and the "hidden sciences."[1]

His school is a combination of philosophical and Gnostic thoughts.

He was recognized by Michele Amari[2] as the author, among others, of the responses to the famous Sicilian Questions of Frederick II of Hohenstaufen.


  1. ^ S.H. Nasr (2006), Islamic Philosophy from Its Origin to the Present: Philosophy in the Land of Prophecy, State University of New York Press, p. 156-157
  2. ^ Michele Amari, Questions philosophiques adressées aux savants musulmans par l'Empereur Frédéric IIe, in Journal asiatique, Ve serie, 1, Paris, 1853, p.240-274 http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k931611/f240.pagination.r=Michele+Amari.langEN